M. Moussorgsky The hut on Folw's legs (Baba-Jaga) (Pictures at an Exhibition)
M. Moussorgsky Ballet of the unhatched chicks (Pictures at an Exhibition)
F. Kreisler Dedication to Pugnani
J. Williams Melody from "Schindler's list" film
F. Schubert Bee
P. Tchaikovsky Kamarinskaya (Children's album, op. 39)
P. Tchaikovsky Baba-Jaga (Children's album, op. 39)
A. Vivaldi "Winter" Concerto for violin and orchestra p.I, op.8
A. Vivaldi "Winter" Concerto for violin and orchestra p.II, op.8
A. Vivaldi "Winter" Concerto for violin and orchestra p.III, op.8
F. Schubert Moment musical f moll